Social Networking Sites

The four social networking sites I visited were Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The first website, Facebook, is somewhere I surf around when I’m bored to find funny or interesting content such as videos and pictures. Your news feed is constantly updating with content that your friends post. It is also a website where you can contact a friend using Facebook Messenger.  In comparison, LinkedIn is basically like Facebook for professionals. You have a profile, a news feed, and a messenger where you can contact people you connect with. There isn’t much entertaining material on LinkedIn, as it is used to gain connections with others and expand your network.

Twitter and Instagram are also very similar to each other. On Twitter, your timeline is constantly refreshing with tweets from the people you follow. You have a profile that shows all the things you’ve tweeted. Instagram is the same thing, but with pictures. On Instagram, your feed is constantly refreshing with pictures from the people you follow. You have a profile that shows all the pictures you’ve posted.

My impressions of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are very similar in that they can be used for interesting content to look through to be entertained. My impression of LinkedIn is that it can be used to expand your network and connect with others in pursuit of a job.

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