Blog About Twitter

Discussions on Twitter and Blackboard have a couple of similarities and differences. To hold a discussion on Twitter you use hashtags to group tweets together. You can also reply to other people’s tweets and view conversations on Twitter. The one thing that makes Twitter discussions difficult is that it is limited to 140 characters for each tweet. This can cause misunderstandings between people during discussions.

In my opinion, Blackboard discussions are easier to navigate through than Twitter discussions. There is no character limit which means you can type as much as you want. Blackboard discussions are driven by threads. You create a thread and people post entries onto that thread.

The issue with online discussions is that people don’t always read what everyone else says, causing a lot of repetition in responses. I feel like in-class discussion is the most effective way to communicate. Everyone is face to face and gets a chance to hear what every other person is saying, causing the conversation to progress in a way that is difficult to achieve during online discussions. Although online discussions are becoming popular, nothing can replace the authenticity of in-class discussions.

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