
The issues of privacy and confidentiality are directly related to new media. New media is an outlet for people to express themselves to the internet. This ability to express yourself to everyone can be both a good and bad thing. It is good because you have a platform to say how you feel, but it is bad because everything you say is now documented and put forward to the world. New media has diminished the privacy factor in our lives, as we post our location and what we are doing at all times of the day. Word travels faster than ever because of new media, making it difficult to have any privacy. I think the people who suffer maintaining privacy the most are the ones who need it the most, celebrities. Celebrities try to keep their location under wraps most of the time, but with these tabloids using new media to keep up with celebrities every day, it can be difficult for them to find privacy. Also, they must maintain a balance of expressing their personal opinions on the internet all while trying not to offend anyone.

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